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My pathway to choosing ESMT Berlin

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

By Nicole Brück, Event Manager at the DigitalFuture Summit 2022

Why did you choose ESMT?

Although ESMT´s current rankings already give a good indicator as to why students are drawn to the university from an academic perspective, there are so many more reasons that speak for the university. Personally, I wanted to study at an institute that would balance theoretical teachings with professional experience. At ESMT we are allocated a six months internship period during the MIM program that we can use to gain hands-on experience. On top of that students get to dedicate an entire month to a social impact project. The selling point for me, however, was its mission to “develop entrepreneurial leaders who think globally and act responsibly“. ESMT prioritizes responsible and sustainable business practices which is something I fully stand behind.

What makes ESMT special? How is ESMT more than a business school?

To me, ESMT is a place that challenges you. If it is your academic progress or personal soft skills, ESMT provokes, and more importantly, guides this process by providing the necessary support systems. On top of that, giving students the chance to lead organizations as big and well-established as the DFS speaks to the trust ESMT has in its students and the practical experience it encourages each student to gain during their degree. It also perfectly demonstrates that ESMT actively promotes its values to “empower(…) people to create a better tomorrow“.

What is it like to be a part of the ESMT community?

Being a part of the community is inspiring. The amount of effort everyone has been displaying during the first semester is impressive and a huge motivational driver. The programs here are demanding and time-intensive, especially with all the extra-curricular activities. Even so, the community supports you and gives you access to a network of accomplished and open-minded people who are more than willing to provide advice and a lending hand.

Why did you choose to get involved in the DFS?

I thought the DFS was a great opportunity to join a network of alumni and creative students who are passionate about leading a large-scale event by themselves. In actuality, the DFS is so much more than that. From scouting new talents, onboarding close to 40 new team members, signing partners, organizing events to revamping the organizational structure and digital platforms – the DFS in essence fulfills all functions of a business. It is an organization built by and for students. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? 😊

How does the DFS fit into ESMT? What skills are you learning from the MIM and how are you putting those into practice at the DFS?

The DFS is a great example of how ESMT, the alumni and the student body encourage professional growth. Just like ESMT´s unique constellation of being founded by 25 prominent companies, the DFS thrives on its professional network of partners. Through workshops, talks and company presentations the DFS adds valuable experiences and projects to the members´ portfolios. Moreover, students get to put their learnings to the test. The greatest skills that I have learned during my time at ESMT are how to improve my time management and how to work better under pressure. In this fast-paced environment of having to juggle academic, professional and personal responsibilities, the DFS is a perfect way to test your limits while being surrounded by a supportive and diverse environment.

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